The Food Hub is Bolton’s main centrally located emergency food distribution outlet – providing food parcels to struggling households across the borough. We are so grateful to all the partner organisations and volunteers, and the donors of food and funds, without whose help and support this critical service simply would not be possible.
Bolton Food Hub supports households who are facing financial distress through Local Welfare Provision, Storehouse Foodbank and Storehouse Pantries.

How it Works
The Bolton Food Hub was set up in April 2020 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. It became apparent that we needed to sort, pack and deliver a large number of food parcels to households who were struggling either due to shielding, lack of access to supermarkets or reduced income.
It has now become the centralised place for our food projects to operate from. Volunteers sort donations, pack the food parcels ready for deliveries to be made to people’s homes. Referrals can come through a number of ways including Local Welfare Provision, Storehouse Foodbank and Storehouse Pantries.
There are other means of support available for help with food and gas and electric top-ups. Please click here for a list of available help.
We recognise that for many, food provision alone will not provide all the support that is needed. So we continue to work with our partner agencies to ensure other factors associated with their hardship are addressed alongside receiving the food parcels.
We also hold poverty lessons for school children in years 5 and 6 in order to allow children to explore poverty and how it impacts Bolton. In June/ July 2022 we held 13 lessons for 8 schools with 3 schools opting to do the digital version in their classrooms.
The Bolton Food Hub has been made possible through our partnership with FareShare, Bolton Council, Bolton at Home, Seddon Construction, Greggs, Greenhalghs, Carrs , Warburtons, Bolton CVS and many others within the ‘Bolton Family’.
During the last year we provided 13,278 food parcels. In total we have collected, purchased and redistributed over 215.6 tonnes of food during this period. Just to give some idea of the scale of change, prior to the pandemic we would typically redistribute some 62 tonnes of food annually.
This is astonishing and goes to show how wonderful the people of Bolton are in looking after the Bolton Family at times of crisis.
Here’s what some of those receiving food parcels have had to say:
“I really appreciate the help whilst going through difficult circumstances.”
“The food I received in my parcel was really good.”
“The staff are helpful and polite and treated me with dignity.”
The food parcels are being delivered out to households through over 200 volunteers who have stepped forward to help in so many ways – from collecting surplus food from supermarkets, to sorting, packing and then delivering food parcels to the front doors of all those who need them.
This is a snapshot of what the volunteers have had to say:
“It’s made me feel like I have made a difference. It’s both sad and heart-warming at the same time, but the key thing for me is just checking in on people, this is just as important as the food. I feel really blessed to do the job I do and to work with so many inspiring individuals”.
“It feels like you are actually helping people. Usually, in my job, you wouldn’t get to see the difference you have made directly to the customer. Being involved in this project I have had so many ‘thankyou’s’ from so many people. I have even had people clapping me at their door. It’s great to feel like you are making a real difference!”
how you can help
We are so appreciative of all those who have donated money for essential food purchases to make up the packs, and those who are continuing to donate food items on a weekly basis. A big, big thank you goes out to one and all!
You can learn more about how to make food or monetary donations to help ensure this service can continue for as long as it is needed here.
You can register your interest in volunteering to help us here.