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Prayer Diary December to January
Thank you for continuing to stand with us in prayer. Our latest Prayer Diary can be found here
Thank you for continuing to stand with us in prayer. Our latest Prayer Diary can be found here
Our newsletter for Autumn 2023 is available to read now. To hear about our projects, old and new, and for an introduction to our new members of staff please click here
Please stand with us in prayer – our latest Prayer Diary can be found here
Please stand with us in prayer as we pray for our projects, our clients and our town. Our new Prayer Diary is ready to download by clicking here
Our Newsletter for Spring 2023 is available to read now. To hear about our projects, old and new, and for an introduction to our new members of staff please click here
Friday 10th March 2023 saw a sight never seen before. Bolton Wanderers held their first ever Sleepout event raising money for ourselves and their charity arm Bolton Wanderers in the Community. [...]
Here at Urban Outreach we are so grateful for a donation of £150 received from Stowe Family Law, Bolton Offices. Support such as this from local businesses means that our work with the vulnerable [...]
It's always a pleasure to share what we are doing with those we work alongside - particularly those who provide critical front-line services in support of the diverse and often complex needs of [...]