Bolton Lunches 2019 is on its way!

As the school holidays quickly approach we thought we would begin to set the scene for Bolton Lunches 2019 and what better way than…………………………… a few ‘foodie’ jokes!!!! So here goes!
A book never written: “To make a Sandwich” by Phil E. Cheese
George: “What town in England makes terrible sandwiches?”
Ben: “I’m stumped.”
George: “Oldham!”
A couple of good ol’ Knock, Knock jokes …..
Knock! Knock!
Who’s there!
Four Eggs!
Four Eggs who?
Four Eggs ample!
Knock! Knock!
Who’s there!
Banana who?
Banana split so ice creamed!
We hope this has made you smile and whet your appetite to come along, and join in the early morning fun and the serious business of making 1700 children happy and well fed each day through the summer holidays!
Do please think about joining us again or for the first time. You will be very welcome and will be joining a happy team of caring volunteers.
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